752 pgs, 2006, University Science Books ISBN 978-1891389459, Softcover
The primary purpose of this revised Explanatory Supplement is to provide users of The Astronomical Almanac with more complete explanations of the significance, sources methods of computations, and use of the data given in the almanac than can be included annually in the almanac itself. The secondary purpose is to provide complementary information that does not change annually, such as conceptual explanations, lists of constants and other data, bibliographic references, and historical information relating to the almanac.
This supplement differs in many respect from its predecessors, the Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Ephemeris and The American Emphemeris and Nautical Almanac. Vector and matrix notations have been introduced and more diagrams have been provided. Simple conversion tables and tables of quantities that can be calculated directly from simple formulas have been omitted. Detailed step-by-step examples have been omitted, and approximation methods have not been given. Most of the text is new but historical material has been carried over for the convenience of those who do not have ready access to the previous supplement.
- Introduction to Positional Astronomy
- Time
- Celestial Reference Systems
- Terrestrial Coordinates and the Rotation of the Earth
- Orbital ephemerides and the Rings of the Satellites
- Physical Ephemerides of the Sun, Moon, Planets, and Satellites
- Eclipses of the Sun and Moon
- astronomical Phenomena
- Stars and Stellar Systems
- Computational Techniques
- Calendars
- Historical Information
- Related Publications
- Reference Data